Since the financial calamity that ensued in this country in 2008, we have heard how much of a tragedy it is that our unemployment rate is hovering around 10%. Apparently somewhere around 5% or 6% would be an acceptable amount of folks without jobs.
Personally, I can't get myself on-board with this concern. If you take the optimistic view, 90% of Americans still have jobs. Based off of the caliber of human beings that I personally run into on a daily basis, I find this statistic mindblowingly impressive. I would be pleasantly surprised to find out that 90% of the people who I am surrounded by in my day to day, outside of work, know how to dress themselves and tie their own shoes, let alone hold any sort of a gainful employement.
Look around you outside of your workplace and put yourself in your employers shoes. Could you imagine hiring 9 out of every 10 of these people? I personally wouldn't want to call my credit card company at some point and have to deal with Cletus, the Keno Addict who hangs out at my local Food Mart.
Everyone points fingers at the corporations for not hiring, can you really blame them? Our country, at some point over the past 20 years has become chalked full of people who don't think they have to earn anything. In the 50's and 60's and even 70's, it was acceptable to call people out on this and force them to do something about it in order to become some kind of contributing factor to society. Now instead of this system, we have decided to cater to their needs and look at it like it's our fault that their lazy or talentless. Now we take that a step further and try to invent jobs and industries full of activities that they can handle. If this fails, then we just give them food and money, forever.
Everyone has their own ludicrous way of fixing the jobless rate that they can't wait to crap out of their mouths as soon as someone is willing to listen....
Things like, you get unemployment for 3 months, if you can't find a job for yourself in 3 months then a McDonald's application is mailed to you courtesy of the Federal Government.
I would be interested in seeing how McDonald's feels about that. And the quality of food there is already fairly horrendous.
Some people even want the unemployed forced into military service and possibly sent to war.
I often wonder how our real military personnel would deal with just such an influx. It would be like the movie "Stripes" in real life and on a mass scale. Probably not the sort of savvy motivated personnel we need fighting the Taliban.
Then there is the current idea of putting the unemployed to work fixing and implementing our infrastructure.
A decent plan for those who are physically able to work on roads and bridges and train tracks. My only concern is that I would like to see a study done that gauges the amount of money companies lose in employee productivity and/or customer traffic when they are constantly surrounded by road construction. I think the numbers could be surprising when weighed against the "benefit" of putting these people back to work as opposed to just paying them unemployment and leaving the roads open to commerce.
The fact of the matter is that the unemployment rate is justified, just like the national debt, just like our taxes, just like everything else. The only reason we weren't already at or over 10% much sooner is because we were riding an illegal housing bubble that allowed for every company to become fatter then Kirstey Alley at a cake convention. Therefore could then just give people jobs who they normally wouldn't and actually make money off of them with illegal life insurance policies and tax breaks.
Media outlets portray minor annoyances as though they threaten the well being of our entire solar system in order to get people to watch TV and buy papers and magazines. If you want to sell a magazine the formula is this, work with media outlets to convince people that they have a problem or their country where they live has a problem, write a magazine with information about the problem that they think they have. Watch the lemmings buy the magazine with information about their made up problem. Buy a yacht. When news organizations had to start making themselves profitable, over simply reporting the news, was the beginning of this end. It is how we choose to interpret and react to their spin that matters.
People are, for the most part unemployed because they either choose to be or because they are simply not hireable. If you are hireable, it is not that hard to find a job. I found 3 in 2 months, in the industry that I want to work, using nothing but The real problem is education and our core family values that embrace our neighbors ignorance with open arms. You can have the best schools in the world but it doesn't matter if you have a populous that won't appreciate them. Until this is rectified, and we force people to become talented in something, instead of making them feel like victims, 10% unemployment will probably be a low figure.
I think Obama has us on the right track...
"That responsibility begins not in our classrooms, but in our homes and communities. It’s family that first instills the love of learning in a child. Only parents can make sure the TV is turned off and homework gets done. We need to teach our kids that it’s not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair." --- "Barack Obama - 2011 State of the Union Address"
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